Transformation at the Palo Alto Research Center

Adrienne Defendi and Kay Taneyhill (and two former BAPC members, Charlotte Kay and Roxanne Worthington) will exhibit their photographs in Transformation at the Palo Alto Research Center, lobby gallery. Artists’ reception, Wednesday, July 22, 4:30 – 6 pm.

2008 public events highlights

November 2 – December 7
Loss, BAPC group exhibition of photographs dealing with different aspects of loss. Berkeley Art Center.

March 20 – April 20
Whimsy, a BAPC group exhibition addressing the lighter side of photography. Rayko Photo Center Gallery, 428 Third Street, San Francisco.

April 12
Guest speaker: Ken Light. Calumet 2-4pm. Free and open to the public. Mr. Light describes his work as social documentary and has published several books.