Ari Salomon @ KG+ Dojidai Gallery (Kyoto)
Ari is presenting an evolution of his Motion Studies series titled Motion Studies Dissected at this exciting fine art photography festival in Kyoto. He will exhibit a number of different kinds of experimental light boxes at a variety of sizes.
The exhibit will run from September 21-27, 12-7pm.
In lieu of a reception, Ari will be available in the gallery via zoom every afternoon from @noon-3pm.
同時代ギャラリー|Dohjidai Gallery of Art
アリ・サロモン|Ari Salomon
〒604-8082 京都市中京区弁慶石町56 1928ビル2F
2F 1928 Bldg, 56, Benkeiishi-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto (map)
Tel. 075-256-6155