John Martin @ FotoNostrum Magazine

John Martin is a winner in the FotoNostrum Portfolio and Cover Competition!
John’s portfolio has been selected for  publication in FotoNostrum Magazine and this image will grace the cover of the issue.

John Martin @ Lens Magazine

Johns work from the 1970’s in Manhattan is being published as a feature in Lens Magazine issue #78.


Cindy Stokes @ Redwood City Art Kiosk

Cindy’s Close to Home is a unique site-specific, photo-based art installation at Redwood City’s Art Kiosk. It’s a narrative on the breadth of man’s relationship with fire, from the comfort of the campfire to the threat of wildfire, a threat we ourselves contribute to.

Art Kiosk, 2208 Broadway, Redwood City, CA

April 17-May 30, 2021 (viewable at all hours)