Steve Raskin @ Center for Photographic Art

Not Another Sunset by Steve Raskin

Jurors Ann Jastrab and Laura Sackett have selected Steve Raskin’s image  Not Another Sunset for exhibition in the online gallery of the Members Juried Exhibition in Carmel, CA.

The show will run in the Sunset Center at a date to be determined by the reopening of the gallery.

Gene Dominique in Black & White Magazine

Security Entrance by Gene Dominique

Gene Dominique’s photograph Security Entrance is a featured winner in the Looking Back-Looking Forward Smartphone Images contest of Black & White Magazine (Issue #139, June 2020)

Konar/Goldband on Your Daily Photograph

December 23 12:51 by Ellen Konar and Steve Goldband

Ellen Konar and Steve Goldband’s photograph December 23 12:51 has been chosen by curator Daniel Miller as the ‘Contemporary/Emerging’ photograph of the day for April 12 on YourDailyPhotograph, a service distributed to photography collectors worldwide.

Mitch Nelles Metarie Cemetery series in LensWork

Mitch Nelles’ Metarie Cemetery series is in the current Issue (#148, August 2020) of LensWork Magazine. The black and white series is derived from Mitch’s visits over the last 2 years to this post-Civil War (and still active) cemetery located on the outskirts of New Orleans, LA.