Erin Malone @ Art Intersection

StringTied-smErin Malone participates in Light Sensitive 2013 – Celebrating Work from the Darkroom, juried by Katherine Ware, Curator of Photography at the New Mexico Museum of Art in Santa Fe, NM. Art Intersection, 207 North Gilbert Road, Suite 201, Gilbert, Arizona.

Malcolm Easton @ Perspective Gallery

Malcolm Easton exhibits in LENS 2013, juror Karen Irvine, Curator and Manager of Publications of the Museum of Contemporary Photography at Columbia College Chicago. Perspective Gallery, 848 Dodge Avenue, Evanston, IL.

Malcolm Easton & Erin Malone @ George A. Spiva Center for the Arts

Malcolm Easton and Erin Malone exhibit in the Photospiva National Competition, juror Natasha Egan, Director of Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia College Chicago. George A. Spiva Center for the Arts, 222 W. 3rd Street, Joplin, MO.

BAPC Members Peer Review

Members and invited guests

Irene Imfeld @ Shooting the West

irene-imfeld-003Irene Imfeld will present a retrospective of her photographic projects as part of the Shooting the West symposium March 9. The talk will with emphasize her photo books from handmade limited editions made in the 1990s to recent print-on-demand monographs. STW is an annual conference in Winnemucca, Nevada.

Adrienne Defendi @ RayKo Photo Gallery, San Francisco

Adrienne Defendi participates in the 6th Annual International Juried Plastic Camera Show at Rayko Photo Center in San Francisco. Opening Reception, Wednesday, March 6th, 6- 8 pm.

Adrienne Defendi @ SOHO Photo Gallery, NYC

Defendi_for BAPC_SohoPhotoKK_2013Adrienne Defendi exhibits in the Krappy Kamera XV International Juried Competition at SOHO Photo Gallery in NYC, juried by Christy Karpinski, founder and and editor of F-Stop Magazine. Opening Reception: Tuesday, March 5th, 6-8 pm

BAPC Members Peer Review

SF Camerawork
Members and invited guests

Speaker/Discussion Event

Corden | Potts Gallery
Members and invited guests

BAPC Members Peer Review

SF Camerawork
Members and invited guests

BAPC Members Peer Review

SF Camerawork
Members and invited guests

Erin Malone @ Lightbox Photographic

Shadows-ErinMalone-smErin Malone will participate in the e•mer•gence exhibition at Lightbox Photographic in Astoria Oregon. 1045 Marine Drive, Astoria, Oregon 97103